

每年, 澳门葡京博彩软件 offers some of its finest incoming first-year students one of the best perks possible: a scholarship that includes a paid research position—a prestigious job and research opportunity that undergraduates at most liberal arts colleges don’t even hope for.

通过澳门葡京博彩软件的学生研究部门(STRIDE)计划, students with outstanding academic and personal qualifications receive a scholarship of $22,每年500美元(限11美元),250 per semester of enrollment) for each of their four undergraduate years at Smith, 无论经济需要如何. 除了奖学金, STRIDE奖学金获得者每年获得3美元的津贴,000 for each of their first two years at Smith linked to a position as a research assistant. STRIDE的四年总金额为96,000美元. Continuation of the STRIDE grant each year is contingent upon good academic standing.

“My STRIDE research has greatly improved both my ability to conduct research and to clearly communicate my findings and ideas, benefits that spill over into nearly every area of my academic career.”


从一长串迷人的研究项目中选择, each STRIDE scholar may select one that especially piques their interest. They are then paired with a mentor with whom they will work approximately seven hours a week over the coming year.

Current and former STRIDE participants say that one of the program’s most valuable aspects is the close look it provides at the world of academic learning. 另一个原因是STRIDE的导师经常鼓励员工, advise and connect students with others and help sort through the many opportunities that may come along during and after college.

STRIDE students are also pleased to find they can do meaningful, interesting work. Computer science major Margaret Zaccardi spent her second year as a STRIDE scholar helping to manage the Poetry Center’s website and assisting Ellen Watson, 英语名誉教授. “To be involved personally in bringing famous poets to Smith and publicizing the events is quite rewarding,”她说。.

她的经历并非个例. STRIDE students and their mentors often collaborate and present results of their joint research at academic conferences or are listed as joint authors when their findings are published in academic journals. STRIDE lets students test an interest in an intriguing academic area and gives them practical experience as an integral part of a professional research team.

Another academic 和社会 highlight is Celebrating Collaborations, Smith’s annual showcase of student research and performance highlighting students’ intellectual achievements and their collaborative efforts with faculty in a variety of departmental, 项目和跨学科项目. 学生参加单独的谈话, 面板, 海报会议, 展览及表演, 在科学技术领域, 表演艺术, 和社会, 文化文学研究.

这些经历反过来会让你在课堂上受益, 提高你继续研究的能力, and provide a strong platform for future careers after you graduate.”
艾米·罗兹, STRIDE学院联合主任


现任STRIDE澳门葡京博彩软件Laura Edwards, 25岁, 艾玛·纳迪,26岁, 还有26岁的凯特·布雷迪, 里德·伯顿-约翰逊也在, 景观学讲师, focus on “tactical urbanism”—temporary urban design that helps communities envision uses of public spaces—in their research project. 特别是, 他们开发了“ParKit”,” a mobile park that can be carted from place to place with just a bicycle.

“作为一名数据科学专业的学生,计算机是我的主要工作. So, I am glad STRIDE is actively encouraging me to branch out and find other things that I love!”


Joanna Slater says she got to know every “last nook and cranny of Neilson Library” when she worked as a STRIDE scholar with Elizabeth Spelman, 人文和哲学教授. 乔安娜还获得了斯佩尔曼教授的朋友和导师. “通过我们每周的会议, 主要是在当地的一家商店喝咖啡, 我学到了学术界最好的传统:好奇心, 尊重他人, 对学习的热爱,她解释道. 在她大四结束的时候, Joanna won a prestigious Henry Luce Foundation Scholarship that placed her in Hong Kong for one year as a Luce Scholar and a journalist. Joanna was awarded a Knight Bagehot Fellowship at Columbia University. She is now the New York bureau chief for Canada’s national newspaper, 《环球邮报》.

Through STRIDE, Elizabeth Thomas worked with David Smith, associate professor of biological sciences. “The STRIDE program allowed me to conduct one-on-one research with a professor as soon as I entered Smith. It gave me opportunities to do work that most undergraduates do not have until their senior year. STRIDE also provided me with connections that helped me to get summer jobs during my college years.伊丽莎白现在在布朗大学读研究生.

Jennifer DeBerardinis, 生物科学和哲学专业, her STRIDE research led to a special studies project in her senior year with Laura A. 卡茨,Elsie Damon Simonds生物科学教授“纤毛虫基因座间的异质进化速率。 斜管虫属uncinata. She is now a Fulbright Fellow living in Australia conducting philosophy research—“Uniting Science and Metaphysics through Embracing the Reality of Inherent Contradiction.”




Professor of 社会学; Director of Honors, 社会学

两个穿着冬衣微笑着站在树前的学生, 被落叶包围, 手持设备

STRIDE scholars Amelia Scott '27 and Victoria Scott '27 in the field.


STRIDE澳门葡京博彩软件 选择 to participate in the program at the time of admission on the basis of a student’s outstanding academic and personal potential. 学生 attending Smith with a merit-based Dora Windes Zollman Scholarship are also offered membership in the STRIDE program. Membership in these programs is very selective and limited to a small number of highly qualified applicants.

自1992年成立以来, this unique program has been featured in The New York Times and USA Today and has served as a model for similar programs at other colleges.

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