

“Chemistry is a substantial science by the measures of industry, economics, and politics. 作为一门学科, 它是分子生物学蓬勃发展的基础, 材料科学, 医疗技术. Although not the youngest of sciences, its frontiers continue to expand in remarkable ways. 尽管它和其他科学领域有共同的界限, 它有自主权, both methodologically and conceptually.”—心灵与分子:化学的新哲学视角, Nalini Bhushan和Stuart Rosenfeld,编辑(牛津大学出版社,2000).

你想在秋天修化学入门(CHM 111)吗? Then please complete the short placement exercise!

你在系里寻找学生做研究的机会吗? 检查下面的“研究”选项卡.


Be well,


Chemistry Seminars and Lectures

来自全国各地的化学家和生化学家展示了他们目前的研究成果. 在我们的活动日历上查看我们的演讲者名单和时间表. The department of biological sciences and the biochemistry program also host seminars and lectures, many of them chemical in nature. Visit their web pages for details. 


在学年期间 每周三下午12:15.m., 学生和教师聚在一起,非正式地介绍他们的独立研究项目. 日程安排可以在活动日历上找到.  


Seniors: (专业)格拉迪斯·巴蒂斯塔、艾米丽·基什、艾弗里·库克和艾米丽·斯温德尔(非专业)
Juniors: (Majors) Eleanor Fairbanks, Breanna Sprague, Nova Zhang and Varshini Anand (Non-major)  

Chemistry Honors info and dates  

At this link, please find the application instructions and important dates for 2023-24 CHM Honors.  This is for students graduating in May 2024.  If you intend to apply for Honors, 请注意,申请截止日期在秋季学期非常早. 尽快开始吧!


Requirements & Courses

Goals for Majors in Chemistry

  • 能讲一个关于化学的好故事
  • Read/write a scientific paper
  • 设计实验
  • 解释数据
  • 在离散的课程单元之间转移知识
  • 真正参与学习/探索
  • Information literacy (chemistry-specific)
  • 掌握34个不同的内容领域



Ten courses

  1. Introductory sequence, either:
    1. CHM 111/CHM 111L, CHM 222/CHM 222L and CHM 224
      /CHM 224L​ or
    2. CHM 118/CHM 118L and CHM 222/CHM 222L
  2. Three of the following courses: CHM 223/CHM 223LCHM 331CHM 332 and CHM 363
  3. Two of the following advanced lab courses: CHM 326CHM 336 and CHM 346
  4. 选修两到三门课程(选项列于下),相当于总共10门课程.
    • Any CHM courses at the 300 level or above
    • BCH 252BCH 352GEO 301PHY 319PHY 327 或PHY 360的主题 
    • CHM 400 CHM 430D or CHM 432D (值四个或更多学分),可作为一门(仅)选修课

S/U不开设符合专业要求的课程,但以下课程除外 CHM 400.

Preparation for Graduate Study

计划化学研究生学习的学生 是否被建议与他们的导师一起确定专业以外可能与特定子领域的研究生学习相关的课程. 包括必修课程的主修课程, 一个学期的生物化学和额外的实验室经验(a)两个学期的研究(CHM 400, CHM 430D and/or CHM 432D), (b)一学期的研究和一门带有实验的选修课程, 或(c)三门带有实验室的选修课程符合美国化学会专业资格要求.




以下指定的课程构成了四个学期的化学入门课程. 学期是连续的, 给出化学概念的结构化发展和化学信息的渐进表示. Completion of the minor with at least one additional course at the intermediate or advanced level affords the opportunity to explore a particular area in greater depth.


Five courses

  1. ​Either:
    1. CHM 111 and CHM 111L, CHM 222 and CHM 222L, and CHM 224 and CHM 224L or
    2. CHM 118 and CHM 118L and CHM 222 and CHM 222L
  2. 另外一门带有实验部分的课程: CHM 223 and CHM 223LCHM 332CHM 326CHM 336 or CHM 346
  3. 从下列课程中选修一至两门,以完成五门课程:任何中医300级或以上的课程, BCH 252 or BCH 352


On This Page



在这门以博物馆为基础的课程中,化学是在艺术的背景下讨论的. 这门课程的重点是艺术家使用的材料,以及这些材料的化学成分如何影响它们的寿命. 目前的分析方法以及保存和保护实践,并从澳门葡京博彩软件艺术博物馆的例子进行了讨论. Restrictions: CHM 100 may not be repeated. 报名人数限16人. {A}{N}


CHM 108/ ENV 108环境化学(4学分)

Offered as CHM 108 and ENV 108. An introduction to 环境化学, 将化学概念应用于酸雨等主题, 温室气体, air quality, pesticides and waste treatment. Chemical concepts are developed as needed. {N}



Using chemical reactions to make quantitative predictions is a foundational skill in chemistry. This skill is built on a set of quantitative approaches including dimensional analysis, 反应化学计量学和物理测量. 学生通过在小班环境下的个人和小组工作来建立和完善这些技能. This course is a co- or prerequisite for CHM 111; students are recommended for this course on the basis of a short placement exam. For these students, successful completion of CHM 110 is required to enter any CHM courses with a CHM 111 prerequisite. 报名人数限60人.



我们核心化学课程的第一学期介绍了化学语言并探索了原子, molecules and their reactions. 讨论包括原子的电子结构, structure shape and properties of molecules; reactions and stoichiometry. 报名人数限16人 per lab section. 多个部分在不同的时间提供, as detailed in the Schedule of Classes. 在注册时,学生必须注册符合课程安排的讲座和实验部分. Corequisite: CHM 111L. 限制条件:不开放给已经参加考试的学生 CHM 118. {N}


CHM 111L化学I实验室:普通化学实验室(1学分)

Lab Section. 我们核心化学课程的第一学期介绍了化学语言并探索了原子, molecules and their reactions. 涵盖的主题包括原子的电子结构, structure shape and properties of molecules; reactions and stoichiometry. 多个部分在不同的时间提供, as detailed in the Schedule of Classes. 在注册时,学生必须注册符合课程安排的讲座和实验部分. Corequisite: CHM 111. 报名人数限16人. {N}



这门课程是为有很强化学背景的学生开设的. The elementary theories of stoichiometry, 原子结构, bonding, structure, 快速复习能量学和反应. 课程的主要部分包括从轨道概念出发的原子理论和成键的详细分析, 化学系统中热力学参数背后的概念的考查, 以及化学反应和动力学的研究. 实验室研究合成、物理性质和动力学. The course prepares students for CHM 222 and CHM 223,并取代两者 CHM 111 and CHM 224. Corequisite: CHM 118L. 限制条件:不开放给通过考试的学生 CHM 111 or CHM 224. 报名人数限48人. {N}


CHM 118L高级普通化学实验室(1学分)

实验课程 CHM 118.  本课程是为具有很强化学背景的学生而设,并提供基本实验技术的基础, 特别是对于定量分析测量. 它首先介绍了光作为研究化学系统方面的工具,如酸/碱行为和金属配体化学. The second half of the lab consists of a project module where students develop greater independence in their chemistry skills while investigating the behavior of one particular chemical system in depth. 每个学生还学会保存一个实验笔记本, prepare scientific reports and presentations, and work safely in a chemical environment. Corequisite: CHM 118. 报名人数限16人. {N}



介绍有机化学的理论与实践. The course focuses on structure, nomenclature, 有机化合物的物理和化学性质以及用于结构分析的红外和核磁共振光谱. 对羰基化合物与烯烃的反应进行了深入的研究. 先决条件: CHM 111/111L, CHM 114/114L或 CHM 118/118L. Corequisite: CHM 222L. 多个部分在不同的时间提供. 在注册时,学生必须注册一门课(CHM 222)和实验室(CHM 222L) section that fit their course schedule. 报名人数限55人. {N}


CHM 222L化学II实验室:有机化学实验室(1学分)

Lab section for 有机化学. 介绍有机化学的理论与实践. The course focuses on structure, nomenclature, 有机化合物的物理和化学性质以及用于结构分析的红外和核磁共振光谱. 对羰基化合物与烯烃的反应进行了深入的研究. Corequisite: CHM 222. 先决条件: CHM 111/111L, CHM 114/114L或 CHM 118/118L. 报名人数限16人. 多个部分在不同的时间提供. 在注册时,学生必须注册一门课(CHM 222)和实验室(CHM 222L) section that fit their course schedule. {N}



材料建立在介绍有机化学主题涵盖 CHM 222 更侧重于反合成分析和多步骤合成计划. 具体的主题包括烷基卤化物的反应, alcohols and ethers; aromaticity and reactions of benzene; and cycloaddition reactions including the Diels-Alder reaction. 先决条件: CHM 222/222L. Corequisite: CHM 223L. 报名人数限48人. {N}



Lab section. 材料建立在介绍有机化学主题涵盖 CHM 222 更侧重于反合成分析和多步骤合成计划. 具体的主题包括烷基卤化物的反应, alcohols and ethers; aromaticity and reactions of benzene; and cycloaddition reactions including the Diels-Alder reaction. Corequisite: CHM 223. 先决条件: CHM 222/ CHM 222L,或同等. 报名人数限16人. {N}



This final course in the chemistry core sequence provides a foundation in the principles of physical and inorganic chemistry that are central to the study of all chemical phenomena. 讨论包括热化学的定量处理, 化学平衡, electrochemistry and reaction kinetics. Corequisite: CHM 224L. 先决条件: CHM 111 and CHM 111L 或同等. MTH 111 recommended but not required. 名额限制:80人. {N}


CHM 224L Chemistry IV Lab: Introduction to Inorganic and 物理化学 (1 Credit)

Lab section. This final course in the chemistry core sequence provides a foundation in the principles of physical and inorganic chemistry that are central to the study of all chemical phenomena. 讨论包括热化学的定量处理, 化学平衡, electrochemistry and reaction kinetics. Corequisite: CHM 224. 先决条件: CHM 111/111L或同等学历. MTH 111 recommended but not required. 报名人数限16人. {N}


CHM 312 Polymer Chemistry (4 Credits)

高分子材料在社会中无处不在,在人类日常使用的许多技术中起着至关重要的作用.g.(服装、电子设备、药物制剂、医疗植入物). Chemistry is central to the development of new materials for advanced technologies and this course provides an introduction to the fields of polymer chemistry and macromolecular assembly. 讨论了聚合物合成和组装的方法和机理, 聚合物结构与性能表征, 以及聚合物的应用. 特别关注的是在生物医学应用中使用的聚合物. 先决条件: CHM 111 or CHM 118; and CHM 222. 对基本化学原理的理解和有机化学的介绍对学生理解聚合物化学的主题是必要的. 报名人数限15人. {N}


CHM 321 Organic Synthesis (4 Credits)

有机合成的现代方法和途径的综合复杂的有机化合物与当前文献的重点检查. 先决条件: CHM 223. 报名人数限24人. {N}



多步合成中的合成技术与实验设计. 化学文献, 以核磁共振光谱学为重点的纯化和表征方法, mass spectrometry and chromatography. 先决条件: CHM 223. 报名人数限18人. {N}


CHM 328 Bioorganic Chemistry (4 Credits)

Applications of chemical tools and synthetic molecules to the study of biological systems. 重点是在分子水平上研究生命系统的新兴策略, 主要的科学文献和手稿的批判性审查. Discussions include biorthogonal chemistry, 合成小分子探针来询问生物系统, 蛋白质工程, proteomics, DNA测序研究进展, genomics, 定向进化和天然产物生物合成. 先决条件: CHM 223. 报名人数限18人. {N}



量子化学:量子力学导论, 原子和分子的电子结构, with applications in spectroscopy. 先决条件: CHM 118 或CHM224及 MTH 112 or MTH 114; strongly recommended: MTH 212 or PHY 210, and PHY 115 or PHY 117. {N}



Thermodynamics and kinetics: will the contents of this flask react, and if so, how fast? 探索控制原子和分子(气体)宏观集合的化学和物理行为的性质, liquids, 固体及其混合物). Corequisite: CHM 332L. 先决条件: CHM 118 or CHM 224; and MTH 112. 报名人数限24人. {N}



Laboratory. Thermodynamics and kinetics: will the contents of this flask react, and if so, how fast? 探索控制原子和分子(气体)宏观集合的化学和物理行为的性质, liquids, 固体及其混合物). Corequisite: CHM 332. 先决条件: CHM 118 or CHM 224; and MTH 112. 报名人数限12人. {N}


CHM 336 Light and Chemistry (4 Credits)

The interaction of light with molecules is central to studies of molecular structure and reactivity. This course builds on students’ understanding of molecular structure from the core sequence (CHM 111-CHM 224)来展示有多少种光可以用来研究分子并揭示它们的行为. The combined classroom/laboratory format allows students to explore light-based instruments in short, in-class exercises as well as in longer, 更传统的实验室. 课程以一个独立的项目结束,该项目允许学生探索光在尖端化学研究中的一些应用方式. 先决条件: CHM 222 或同等. 报名人数限20人. {N}



分子结构、稳定性和反应性之间关系的研究. 本课程介绍一系列分析反应机制的工具, 包括反应动力学, linear free energy relationships, principles of computational analysis, 前沿分子轨道和同位素效应. 根据构象分析讨论了基态性质, 立体与应变, aromaticity, and bond strength and acidity. Students learn to process mechanistic data from the literature to understand mechanistic arguments. 学生也学习分析问题,设计和提出实验,以揭示机械的见解. 先决条件: CHM 224 or CHM 118, and CHM 222. CHM 223 (recommended but not required.) {N}



介绍空气中一些常见的环境化学过程, 土壤和水, coupled with a study of the crucial role of accurate chemical measurement of these processes. Lecture and laboratory featuring modern chemical instrumentation for spectroscopy (atomic and molecular) high performance chromatographic separations (both gas and liquid), 电化学以及微波和超声波辅助样品制备, 还有一个与当地教师研究兴趣相关的短期项目. 口头报告和正式的实验室报告. 先决条件: CHM 118 or CHM 224 或同等. 报名人数限20人. {N}



化学是生物在环境中交流的语言, which can be exploited for new therapeutics, 用于生物修复的工业化学品和分子. 学生们探索澳门葡京博彩软件植物园的土壤和植物,寻找细菌铁螯合分子或铁载体, 哪些可以用来清理金属污染. Students learn how to do microbial isolation and cultivation from environmental samples, 基因组测序, 化学萃取, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, bioinformatic analyses and enzyme assays. 实验结果总结为书面报告,并在学期末的海报会议上展示. 先决条件: CHM 118 or CHM 224; CHM 222; and BIO132, an equivalent or AP Biology. 报名人数限18人. {N}



群论的应用, 协调的化合物, molecular orbital theory of main group compounds and other selected topics in inorganic chemistry. 先决条件: CHM 118 or CHM 224. {N}


CHM 369 生物无机化学 (4 Credits)

本课程介绍生物无机化学领域. 学生将学习金属在生物学中的作用,以及在生物系统中使用无机化合物作为探针和药物. 先决条件: CHM 223 and either CHM 118 or CHM 224.


CHM 400 Special Studies (1-4 Credits)

S/U only. Instructor permission required.


CHM 430D Honors Project (4 Credits)

Department permission required.


CHM 432D Honors Project (6 Credits)

Department permission required.



BCH 252生物化学I:生物化学结构与功能(3学分)

生物大分子的结构和功能:蛋白质和核酸. Mechanisms of conformational change and cooperative activity; and bioenergetics, 酶和调控. 的同时注册 BCH 253 is required for biochemistry majors. 先决条件: CHM 111 or CHM 118, CHM 222 and BIO 132. 报名人数限制为78人. {N}


BCH 352生物化学II:生化动力学(3学分)

Chemical dynamics in living systems. 酶的机制,代谢及其调控,能量的产生和利用. 的同时注册 BCH 353 is required for biochemistry majors. 先决条件: BCH 252 and CHM 224. {N}


Additional Programmatic Information


Andrew Berke

430d Thesis: 8 credits, full-year course; offered each year

432d Thesis: 12 credits, full-year course; offered each year


专业也是一样, 在高年级增加了一个研究项目,最终以书面论文和口头报告结束. 教职员工将询问优等生的研究成果.

要进入荣誉课程,你的GPA必须至少达到3分.专业成绩为0分,总绩点不低于3分.0. 学生申请时间不得早于大三下学期末,不得迟于大四上学期初.

参观班级主任 website 了解更多关于荣誉课程,截止日期和申请. 申请表和项目建议书必须提交给化学荣誉主任由部门批准.


The final honors designation (Highest Honors, High Honors, Honors, 及格或不及格)将基于对书面论文的评估(50%), 口头陈述(20%)和专业GPA (30%).


See the deadlines for 2023-24 Honors theses.

如果您对荣誉课程或截止日期有疑问,请联系 Andrew Berke.

澳门葡京博彩软件毕业并获得美国化学学会颁发的证书, 您必须满足以下五个要求:

  1. 完整CHM 111/111L和CHM 224/224L(或CHM 118/118L)
  2. 学习化学的五个主要领域:分析学, biochemistry, inorganic, 有机和物理. To satisfy this requirement you would take:
    • 分析:三个中有两个来自CHM 326, CHM 336和CHM 346
    • 生物化学:BCH 252
    • 无机物:chm363
    • 有机:CHM 222/222L
    • 物理:332英镑
  3. 包括至少12个学期的深度课程. 这是通过以下列表中的四门课程来满足的:BCH 352, CHM 223/223L, CHM 321, CHM 328, CHM 331, CHM 338, CHM 369.
  4. 总共有400小时的实验室经验. This can be achieved at Smith in many ways. 一个典型的例子就是上普通化学课, 化学专业必修的有机课程和两门实验课, 总共215个小时. 另外两门有实验的课程和一学期的特殊学习将会给你超过400个实验学时.
  5. 数学和物理要求包括MTH 111和MTH 112或MTH 114. 您还需要PHY 117和PHY 118以及随附的实验室.

Possible Schedule for Certification

Note that many of the courses can be taken at different times than given here; this is one possible choice.

First Year Second Year 
CHM 111(含实验室) 223元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
MTH 111 326元(含实验室)
MTH 112 PHY 117(带实验室)
  PHY 118(带实验室)
Third Year Fourth Year
CHM 331 CHM 400/430(含实验室)
CHM 363 332元(含实验室)
CHM 336 (elective; with lab) CHM 430(含实验室)
CHM elective CHM elective
BCH 252  

The following example shows one possible major pathway fulfilling minimum requirements for a major.

First Year Second Year 
CHM 111 (required; with lab) CHM 224 (required; with lab)
CHM 222 (required; with lab) CHM 223 (optional; with lab)
  CHM 326 (elective; with lab)
Third Year Fourth Year
331元(可选) 363元(可选)
CHM 332 (optional; with lab) 两门中医选修课
CHM 346 (elective; with lab)  
CHM 336 (elective; with lab)  

There are many possibilities for a major. 对于不同的职业目标,参加额外的课程可能是有用的. Please discuss this with your adviser. 以下是一些学生的专业示例:

Schedule for a Professional Chemist

Note that the courses in the junior and senior years can be taken in many different arrangements from that given here; this is one possible choice.

First Year Second Year 
CHM 111(含实验室) 223元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
Third Year Fourth Year
CHM 331 346元(含实验室)
CHM 363 332元(含实验室)
CHM 338 CHM 430(含实验室)
326元(含实验室) CHM 430(含实验室)

Schedule in Preparation for Medical School

向顾问咨询这里的许多可能性. 你也可以咨询 prehealth建议.

First Year Second Year 
CHM 111(含实验室) 223元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
  BCH 252
Third Year Fourth Year
CHM 331 336元(含实验室)
CHM 363 CHM 430(含实验室)
BCH 352  


Some of the public policy courses in the environmental sciences minor might be of interest; talk with an adviser.

First Year Second Year 
CHM 111(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 336元(含实验室)
Third Year Fourth Year
346元(含实验室) CHM 331
332元(含实验室) CHM 363
GEO 301(含实验室) CHM 430(含实验室)
  CHM 430(含实验室)



Second Year  Third Year
CHM 111(含实验室) 223元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
  BCH 252
Fourth Year  
CHM 331  
CHM 321  



First Year Second Year 
CHM 111(含实验室) 223元(含实验室)
222元(含实验室) 224元(含实验室)
Third Year Fourth Year
选修国外 CHM 331
  CHM 363

所有计划修读CHM 111的学生应尽快完成在线实习. CHM 111是为已经学过0-1年高中化学的学生开设的入门化学课程. 我们建议在化学方面有更广泛准备的学生(2年以上HS化学), AP化学考试得4或5分, IB经验)在秋季学习118和118L CHM. These students also have the option of placing directly into CHM 222 (有机化学 I) in the Spring but should consult a member of the department before choosing this path.


Andrew Berke


Associate 化学教授; Co-Director of Environmental Concentration

Andrew Berke

Mohini Kulp


Senior Laboratory Instructor in Chemistry

Mohini Kulp

Kevin Shea


化学教授; Chair of the Chemistry Department

Kevin Shea


Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Lâle Burk 
Senior Lecturer Emerita in Chemistry

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Robert Linck 
Professor Emeritus of Chemistry

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry


澳门葡京博彩软件和化学系认为教师指导是教师发展的核心. 我们已经实现了 辅导计划 概述了旨在促进指导的具体活动.



化学和生物化学系,作为 STEM 澳门葡京博彩软件团队, are undertaking a variety of research projects that are amenable to undergraduate participation. 本科生的研究可以由各个层次的学生来完成,比如 特殊的研究, honors or 夏天的研究. It can also come in the form of shadowing or volunteering 在实验室里,如果你不确定研究是否适合你, 或者如果你还没有上过很多化学课.

如果你有兴趣和我们一起做研究,你应该先看看 研究兴趣 部分,并参加在化学午餐袋期间提出的许多教师研究讲座. Contact the faculty whose general research is of interest to find out about specific opportunities.

在学年期间,你必须提交一份化学系的报告 application, 你将被要求描述你的研究兴趣和你有兴趣合作的实验室(如果有的话)。.

所有申请将在开始研究前一个学期进行审查,并建议研究“匹配”. 我们很乐意给所有感兴趣的学生一个研究的机会, 我们只有这么多空间. So, 如果你第一次没有匹配到特定的实验室, 我们邀请并鼓励您在下个学期提交另一份表格!


夏天的研究 机会是通过SURF项目单独组织的,包括资金. Consult the Summer Research Opportunities 节中有关此程序的具体细节.

对于澳门葡京博彩软件大学STEM研究的总体描述,你可以探索一下 webpage.

Andrew Berke

Physical and Atmospheric Chemistry

My research focuses on the uptake of small organic molecules into complex (multicomponent) aerosol-mimicking solutions and the optical properties of aerosol particles generated from those complex solutions. 目标是表征气溶胶的光学特性, such as their ability to scatter light, 作为颗粒大小和化学成分的函数. 空气中粒子散射(和吸收)阳光的能力是影响大气净辐射强迫的最不为人所知的参数之一, which is the technical way of saying either heating (positive forcing) or cooling (negative forcing). One inherent problem is that aerosol composition can be heavily influenced by local emission sources, 这意味着一个简单的模式系统不能完全解释气溶胶光学特性和大气影响的区域变率. 解决这一问题的一种方法是系统地调整气溶胶成分并测量其随后的光学特性. This is the approach my lab takes, using a home-built cavity-enhanced absorption spectrometer.



我的研究兴趣分为三个不同的领域. 第一部分着重于电子转移和氧还原的机理, 催化这些反应的蛋白质以及当这些反应出错时随之而来的细胞损伤. My second area of research is to determine why a small group of structurally similar compounds are selectively toxic to the neurons in one small region of the brain. My last area of study is the design and preparation of self-organizing chemical systems, 基于金属配合物的配体亲和和配位性质.

Maren Buck


我的研究兴趣落在有机化学的交叉点上, polymer chemistry and 材料科学. We use a polymer bearing reactive, 氮唑内酯官能团组装的多功能水凝胶感兴趣的背景下的药物输送, in vitro 细胞培养,组织工程和再生. We are currently developing both complex 2D and 3D hydrogel scaffolds functionalized with a broad range of chemical and biological motifs that can direct the behavior of mammalian cells cultured on these materials. 第二个主要的研究领域集中在使用这些以阿兹内酯为基础的聚合物作为大分子药物递送载体. 我们正在制造纳米级聚合物胶束,这种胶束可以用于输送化疗药物,并控制药物释放的地点和时间. We are also working in collaboration with Sarah Moore’s lab in engineering to synthesize protein-polymer-drug conjugates that specifically target cancer cells as well as cells at the blood-brain barrier.

David Gorin

Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

我的研究兴趣是有机化学和生物有机化学. 精细选择性的化学催化剂和试剂是复杂环境下分子修饰和功能扰动所必需的, such as in biological samples. 因为化学家传统上关注的是单链的转化, pure starting material into a product, 很少有试剂能将化学反应导向许多底物中的一种. 我的实验室使用合成化学和分子生物学的工具来开发新的试剂,用于在混合物中对目标化合物进行定向转化.


Natural Products Biochemistry

I am a natural products biochemist interested in: 1) bioprospecting extreme environments (e.g., acid rock drainage) for new bioactive agents produced by microbes; as well as 2) understanding the enzymology behind the assembly of these novel pharmacophores. My lab approaches these problems by using culture-dependent and culture independent methods (i.e.(下一代测序)鉴定次生代谢物. We also use basic biochemical techniques, 包括蛋白质纯化和酶动力学, 表征参与次级代谢途径的酶. Current projects include exploring connections between metal resistance genes and biosynthetic gene clusters to find new bioactive secondary metabolites in metal-contaminated environments. 我们还描述了参与铁载体生物合成的酶, metal-chelating secondary metabolites, 这有助于微生物在缺铁环境中茁壮成长. Characterizing these enzymes is important as they can be: 1) used for biocatalysis; 2) used in the synthesis of clinically approved siderophores and analogs; and 3) exploited as drug targets to prevent the virulence of human pathogens. My lab’s overall goals are to explore connections between the ecology of an environment and bioactivity as well as understand how microbial secondary metabolites are made.



我的研究兴趣是在生物无机化学领域. Specifically, my lab is interested in examining how complexes of the transition metal chromium damage DNA. 我们使用差示扫描量热法来观察铬形成的损伤如何改变DNA螺旋的热力学稳定性. We are also interested in investigating the structure of some of these lesions using NMR spectroscopy and in seeing how they affect the structure of nucleosomes.

Kate Queeney


我的研究使用物理化学的镜头来研究发生在固体表面的化学和物理过程. 我们实验室目前的重点是了解表面化学(如.g. the functional groups that exist on a surface) and surface topography (the 3-dimensional structure of a surface) influence the interaction of biological entities like bacteria with those surfaces. 初步研究, 与微生物学家Rob Dorit合作, 表明表面化学(羟基vs. 长烷基链)和表面形貌(原子平面vs. 覆盖50-100纳米的凸起)协同作用,影响硅基表面上形成生物膜的细菌的增殖. 我们现在正在研究如何增加我们可以在这些系统中探索的表面化学的范围. One approach has been to attempt to selectively functionalize those nanoscale bumps—seeing if we can populate the sides and tops of the bumps with different functional groups. 另一种方法,这次是与聚合物化学家玛伦·巴克合作的. is to use polymer films that we can selectively modify to achieve a more continuous range of surface wettability (how hydrophobic the surface is) and ideally to separate out effects of surface wettability and surface charge. Underlying all our work is careful attention to fully characterizing the surfaces we make, 使用传统的表面科学工具来深入了解我们制造的表面以及它们如何演变. Sometimes this leads us into productive detours in more fundamental physical chemistry, 例如,了解不同二维模式的官能团如何影响表面润湿性, 或者纳米级的表面特征如何影响这些表面的光学测量. Students in my lab will learn new techniques such as dynamic contact angle goniometry, ellipsometry, 原子力显微镜和表面红外光谱.

Kevin Shea


我利用有机合成研究碳-碳键形成的新方法,并开发生物活性分子的合成. 已完成的研究主要集中在串联Nicholas和Pauson-Khand反应在三环杂环合成中的应用. Ongoing research involves expanding the use of cobalt-alkyne complexes in organic synthesis. Our goals are to develop a tandem Diels-Alder/Pauson-Khand protocol for the production of tetracyclic compounds and a method for the synthesis of cyclic alkynes using the Nicholas reaction. An unrelated project involves a collaboration with Steve Williams in the Smith Biology Department which aims to identify natural products as drugs to combat lymphatic filariasis. A new project in the lab is focused on women's health and involves converting tea leaf waste into sustainable materials for the construction of menstrual pads for women who currently don't have reliable access to menstrual supplies.  



我的研究重点是为合成化学家开发新工具. The reactions we develop use organic and organometallic chemistry to create more efficient bond-forming reactions that cut out unnecessary steps in synthetic sequences and provide new pathways to complex chemical structures from simple building blocks. 我小组的一个项目是用铁催化羰基衍生物的α位功能化. 我小组的另一个项目是利用周环反应来合成芳香族化合物. 我们的研究使用机械洞察力来指导这些反应的发现.



My research interests focus on different areas of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 目前,我的主要兴趣领域集中在溶液核磁共振技术的应用,以分析有趣的生化问题. 我们正在对受损短DNA结构的结构和动力学特性进行表征. 我的实验室使用各种核磁共振实验(COSY, NOESY, exchange等).)来研究这些特性. 我们最近也研究了阳离子(Na+和K+)通过天然和合成离子转运体/通道的转运. 我们目前正在研究环肽转运系统的合成.

Summer Research Opportunities

每年夏天,澳门葡京博彩软件的化学系都会提供一些职位,让学生参与化学和生物化学的研究. To find out more about specific projects and research opportunities in the chemistry department, either:

  1. 参加几个化学午餐袋系列之一, offered during the academic year, 教师们会在那里展示他们在澳门葡京博彩软件的研究大纲.
  2. Directly talk to a faculty member.

Learn more about SURF student opportunities.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

澳门葡京博彩软件,本科生的研究是化学研究不可或缺的一部分. You have exciting opportunities to conduct research within the department and during the summer.

Students and faculty use an array of advanced instrumentation for research and in classes. 本署备有下列文书:

  • Bruker 300 MHz NMR spectrometer
  • 布鲁克500MHz核磁共振光谱仪与四个可用探头:一个5毫米VT BBO探头, 5毫米VT TBI探针, 一个10毫米VT BBO探头, 10mm探头用于选择性19F/1H观察.
  • GC-MS
  • GC-FID
  • 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪
  • 紫外可见光谱仪
  • AFM
  • Polarimeter
  • Atomic absorption spectrometer
  • 可变角度椭偏仪
  • Zeta PALS颗粒分析仪
  • 接触角测角仪
  • Differential scanning calorimeter
  • Nd-YAG泵浦染料激光器
  • EZ-stat potentiostat/galvanostat
  • CEM发现微波

Extensive additional equipment is maintained in the following core facilities at Smith:



Resources & Lab Safety

Our Mission

澳门葡京博彩软件,我们的使命是促进积极的安全文化. On the following link, you will find:

To see 完整的细节和实用的安全信息 关于定期的研究和指导,请访问澳门葡京博彩软件的研究 & 安全网站.


美国化学会提倡安全的化学实践. 我们遵循他们的指导方针和建议. 访问他们的站点,了解各种资源和工具


To Help You In and Out of Class

  • 参观科学馆电脑及技术服务 支持的软件网页 to access a variety of scientific software.
  • Smith chemistry students have access to CHEMDRAW a chemical drawing tool that professionals use. To get your own copy of the tool, 到CATS支援的软件网页(上面的连结),并按指示操作.
  • WebMO是一个基于web的计算化学包的接口. 使用WebMO的说明
  • The 雅各布森中心 会和你一起提高你的写作和学习技能吗. The 卢卡雷利中心 for Quantitative Learning will support students doing quantitative work across the curriculum. They offer chemistry tutoring, workshops and class study sessions outside the regular classroom.

留学顾问:Maria Bickar (mbickar)

化学专业的设计是为了让学生享受一个学期或一年的海外学习计划. 学生们去了澳大利亚、法国、英国、意大利和其他目的地. Careful planning is essential. 一个学生在国外度过大三的主要途径的例子可以在主要途径页面上看到.

如果你正在考虑出国留学,一定要联系学校的顾问 Office for International Study 审查额外的细节和信用要求.


Every semester the department offers the following paid opportunities that can help students gain practical and job-related experiences outside of the classroom:

学生助教 协助讲师管理实验室部门. 如果你满足了最低的课堂作业要求,并且喜欢和其他学生一起工作, the application period is typically towards the end of the semester before the course starts, 尽管在学期开始时可能仍然有空缺.
Time commitment: 3 hours of introductory chemistry lab and 4 hours of an advanced lab per week.

准备工作岗位 用于实验课程. 我们寻找有组织、可靠的学生来帮助我们建立教学实验室. The work includes preparing solutions, as well as gathering and setting out reagents and equipment. 申请时间与助教职位相同.
Time commitment: hours vary and are flexible.

如欲申请上述职位,请点击下载 form.

Tutoring 是获得更多教学经验的另一种方式,也是为MCATs或gre考试练习化学的绝佳方式. 家教是通过 卢卡雷利中心 with the recommendation of the department. 我们正在寻找可靠和可靠的学生,具有良好的学习成绩,喜欢与其他学生一对一的工作.
Time commitment: 10 hours per week for a full-time tutor, but can be a shared position. 导师通常在下一学年的四月份被聘用,所以你应该在三月份联系你有兴趣辅导的教员.


参与澳门葡京博彩软件科学社区的无薪机会的例子包括申请成为一名 AEMES mentor or a department liaison.


2022年,我们新毕业了一届化学和生物化学专业的学生. 我们的学生努力学习,他们的努力经常得到回报. 过去几年, 澳门葡京博彩软件获得了创纪录数量的富布赖特奖学金和其他奖学金. 他们中有几个是化学和生物化学专业的学生! 这是2021-22学年颁发的学术奖项名单.

  • ACS Division of 有机化学 Award in 有机化学: (CHM) Miranda Wu '22 and Mona Munia '22
  • ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award in Inorganic Chemistry: (CHM) So Hyun Park '24J
  • 美国化学学会物理化学分会物理化学奖:(CHM) Mona Munia '22
  • ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award in Analytical Chemistry: (CHM) Laura Bickart '23
  • 国家Iota Sigma Pi本科生奖获得者:(CHM) 哈雷Lin-Jones '22 and Melany加西亚 '22
  • National Iota Sigma Pi Gladys Anderson Emerson Award Recipient: (CHM) Laura Bickart '23
  • 美国化学学会/新英格兰分会奖:(CHM) Grace Ou ’22
  • Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society Award: (CHM) Mary Kasbo ’22, (BCH) Miranda Wu '22
  • C. 波琳·伯特奖:(BCH) Yeji Lee '22, (BCH) Sophie (Fubin):歌 ’24
  • Hause-Scheffer Memorial Prize: (CHM) 哈雷Lin-Jones '22
  • Rosenfeld Award in 有机化学: (CHM) Emily Kish ’24, 艾玛Whittemore ’24
  • Introductory Chemistry Achievement Award: Hannah Ross 25年,经易斯25年, 劳拉·爱德华兹 ’25, Lily Weber ’25
  • Hellman Award in Biochemistry: (BCH) Sophie (Fubin):歌 ’24.
  • pHunger Games Winners: (all CHM)
    1st place: 
    2nd place: 


Contact Department of Chemistry

北安普顿,MA 01063

Phone: 413-585-3806

Administrative Assistant: TBA

系主任: Kevin Shea