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Welcome to your new home for study abroad! The information on this page is designed to help you settle in when you get to your destination. We hope your time abroad is a rewarding and wonderful experience, and our goal is to help you make the most of your experience. Whether you have questions regarding safety, sustainable travel or what it’s going to be like when you return to campus, we are here to help provide information, resources and advice.

Forms To Submit

Please submit the following forms upon arrival:

Students who are studying abroad for the entire academic year are encouraged to complete the Mid-Year Evaluation.

Photo of students posing in front of ancient ruins in Italy

Safety While Studying Abroad

Security Announcements & Travel Advisories

Security Announcements

The U.S. 自2001年9月以来,国务院一直定期发布“全球警戒”公告. 这些声明强调了在国外生活和旅行的美国人保持警惕和安全意识的重要性.

Travel Advisories

Students are encouraged to check the travel advisories issued by the U.S. Department of State for their intended destination. Note that conditions can change rapidly at any time. We recommend that all travelers sign up to receive travel advisories and alerts.

Safety & Security

We advise all students studying abroad to consult the U.S. State Department website on a regular basis. This site includes valuable information about countries throughout the world.

Students Abroad
U.S. Embassies Around the World
Travel Advisories
Emergencies Abroad
Country-Specific Information
Smart Traveller Enrollment Program (STEP)
Traveler's Checklist

Before You Return to Smith

Students must be tested for tuberculosis exposure before returning to campus.

Smith TB Policy for Returning Students


Reentry Action Plan

Rescinding Off-Campus Study Leave Status

Students on two-semester programs considering returning after one semester should see “Leaves of Absence” section of the Class Deans website. 学生如欲取消出国留学假,应以书面形式通知国际学习办公室和班级主任. If a student rescinds their study abroad leave in order to register for classes in Northampton, that decision will be binding, and they will not be eligible to have off-campus study status reinstated.

Leave may be rescinded until the first day of classes each semester, however, 学生负责支付任何不可退还的费用和已支付给留学项目或主办大学的押金. The student is also responsible for contacting Housing to request a room.

A student who withdraws from a study abroad program or host university after the program has started is responsible for any non-refundable fees and withdrawal fees charged by the study abroad program; they are also normally withdrawn from Smith and may not return to the college the following semester.

Extending Leave


For Smith Programs Abroad

Students who studied abroad in Florence, Hamburg, Geneva or Paris will be asked to complete a program evaluation that will be sent via email.

For Smith-Approved & Consortium Programs


Students should complete the program evaluation that corresponds to the term studied abroad (fall, spring or academic year). 在一学年中参加两个不同项目的学生应完成每学期和项目(秋季和春季)的项目评估。.

Academic Year 2023-2024 Program Evaluation

Spring 2024 Program Evaluation


Please Note



Lewis Global Studies Center
5 Chapin Drive, Wright Hall 125
Northampton, MA 01063

请记住,你的成绩可能需要一段时间才能出现在你的学习记录和成绩单上. If you have questions about transcripts or credits, please contact Associate Dean Lisa Johnson.

Please note: 在国际学习办公室收到学生的课程评估之前,成绩单不会转发到注册办公室进行发布.

For additional transcript and credit questions, see Credit Rules.

Returning to Smith

Few people anticipate culture shock when they return home, 但实际上,许多学生发现,习惯回到家里和习惯在国外生活一样具有挑战性.

Some students find that they have changed and grown a great deal while abroad, but that home, family and friends have not. This gap makes it challenging to slip back into settings, routines and relationships that were once familiar and comfortable. You should expect a certain amount of this if you have had a full and enriching time overseas.


Common reentry experiences
  • Impression that you can't fully explain your experience or its importance
  • Realization that others do not want to hear very much about your adventures
  • Sensation of being out of place despite being home
  • Boredom with being home
  • Experiencing reverse homesickness for the place where you studied abroad
  • Seeing that relationships with family and friends have changed
  • Feeling that others misunderstand your growth, or see the “wrong” changes in you
  • Assessing your home in a way that is judgmental or overly critical
  • Feeling that your experience abroad is lost or cut off from the rest of your life
Ways of Coping

If you find yourself experiencing difficulty after coming home:

  • 试着使用你在适应国外生活时培养的文化适应技能, keep active, maintain a sense of humor, find a support group, expect differences, allow yourself to make mistakes, stay flexible) to make the transition to being home.
  • Be reflective. Give some thought to your return, 到你在国外经历的智力和情感上的变化.
  • Expect some negative feelings about your home culture. Try not to be too critical of shortcomings that you did not see before. Remember that there are positive and negative aspects of all cultures—nothing is good or bad, it's just different.
  • Accentuate the positive. 试着找出两种文化中你喜欢的地方,并试着把它们最好的方面融入到你的生活中.
  • Be patient with your friends and family who are trying to understand your recent experiences. Listen to them, too, about the changes they underwent during the time you were away.
  • Maintain connections with the international life through the many opportunities available at Smith: come to the Lewis Global Studies Center; evaluate your program; interact with the international student population from your study abroad location; help spread the word about study abroad to your friends and classmates; agree to talk to prospective students who are interested in the program through which you chose to study.
  • Submit some of your favorite photos to the Global Encounters Photo Contest. We would love to see them!
  • Set goals for your development. 再一次意识到改变是令人兴奋的,这可能是你向新方向发展的机会. Set some long-term goals, which may involve finding ways to return abroad.

Part of the academic challenge of returning to campus is finding ways to bring the learning home. To demonstrate your new knowledge and educational perspective, we encourage you to consider:

Submitting proposals to present at conferences

Creating social change takes action. Put into action the new skills, attitudes and experiences you have gained abroad. This can take the form of developing an organization, 在课程中加深你的公民参与,或者只是参与社区中已经存在的社区服务团体.


Center for Community Collaboration:支持学生参与有意义的社区服务工作和领导力培训,以增强教育经验, meets community identified needs, 提供反思的机会,并与当地非营利组织建立有效的合作社区伙伴关系.

Americans for an Informed Democracy:一个无党派组织,通过教育研讨会和会议将世界带到下一代领导人的家中, leadership summits, town hall meetings, opinion pieces and global videoconferences.

Interested in work and volunteer opportunities abroad? 在课堂之外,学生们有很多选择来获得新技能并加强他们的跨文化理解.

Work Abroad

You may wish to do only a short-term job such as teach English for a year or acquire a more long-term job, but whatever you choose, working abroad can be a very rewarding and enriching experience. 沉浸在一种新的文化中会带来大量的自我发现和职业发展,这在国内是不容易获得的.

Please note: Most countries require work visas, so be sure to do your research on what exactly you may need in order to work abroad.


Smith Fellowships Office

BUNAC: Working Adventures Worldwide

University of Michigan: International Center

JET: teach English in Japan

Peace Corps

Transitions Abroad: information on international internships intern, volunteer, teach or work abroad foreign embassies of Washington, D.C.

CIEE Work Abroad

Work Abroad: The Complete Guide to Finding a Job Overseas, by Clayton A. Hubbs

International Jobs: Where They Are and How to Get Them, by Nina Segal, Eric Kocher

Work Worldwide: International Career Strategies for the Adventurous Job Seeker, by Nancy Mueller

Directory of Jobs & Careers Abroad (10th Ed), by Elisabeth Roberts

Best Resumes and CVs for International Jobs: Your Passport to the Global Job Market, by Ronald L. Krannich and Wendy S. Enelow

The Global Citizen: A Guide to Creating an International Life and Career, by Elizabeth Kruempelmann

Global Encounters

全球相遇摄影和视频比赛为澳门葡京博彩软件学生提供了一个与澳门葡京博彩软件社区分享他们的全球经历的场所. From Nepal to Croatia to Cuba, these images offer a unique view of the world.


Contact Office for International Study

Lewis Global Studies Center

Wright Hall

Smith College

Northampton, MA 01063


To make an appointment

Phone: 413-585-7598 Email:

For emergencies, call Campus Safety at 413-585-2490 and ask to have a study abroad staff member contacted.

Staff →

For Parents & Guardians →
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