
建议 & 登记

Each entering new student is assigned an academic adviser to help you plan a course program until you formally declare a major—at which point you will either choose a major adviser, or be assigned a particular adviser depending upon the major of your choice. All advisers are faculty members who are familiar with the Smith curriculum and are interested in helping you plan a program that both reflects your interests and introduces you to new challenges and unfamiliar fields of study.

日期 & 2024年秋季咨询的详细信息


Before you arrive on campus for Orientation in August, 你的顾问会联系你的 remotely (by email or phone) to arrange for an initial Zoom “meet and greet,” during which time you will discuss your academic goals and interests. Your adviser will also help you prepare for your online registration when you arrive. Announcements about your adviser will come to you via email through the 类院长s office closer to the end of our summer, typically around the week of August 5.

New students may register for courses only after meeting with their adviser. 登记 for new students happens during the orientation period, 在上课前(星期二), 9月3日).



The liberal arts advising process is often abbreviated as LAA. Your liberal arts adviser is assigned by your 类院长 and will be your primary resource for academic advice. 之前, 在迎新期间, your adviser will meet with you individually to talk about your goals and to help you prepare for your online registration for courses.

Liberal arts advisers are members of the faculty who have been assigned to work with incoming students and explain the college’s resources. Their role is to advise and guide you during your first two years at Smith. They can help you assess your skills in those areas the faculty considers basic to college study so that you can make full use of the courses and programs here. They will help you select courses based on your expressed needs and interests and authorize your course selection.

Liberal arts advisers can offer advice on courses in their own departments and suggest references for you in other departments. They can guide you in placing you in appropriate levels of courses and know of resources for other assistance, 学术和个人. Additionally, they may offer their own vision of a liberal arts program.


你的一年级 类院长 assists you with academic progress during your first year and works closely with academic advisers to ensure that you are progressing appropriately. 艾达康斯托克 and transfer students are assigned advisers in their intended major fields. The 类院长 is responsible for your overall academic program. Each entering student class will meet with their respective dean during Orientation. You are encouraged to see your dean privately throughout the year regarding any issue, 无论是学术上的还是个人的. Your 类院长 is available to assist with course registration, academic options and general advice on such matters as study abroad, summer school and leaves of absence.


Student academic advisers (SAAs) are returning students who work with the 类院长 and faculty advisers to help you choose courses and register. They also work in the houses to help all students understand the Honor Code, the curriculum and how academic regulations work. SAAs can also help first-years with informal academic advising throughout the year. They will remind you about procedures and deadlines, and may direct you to appropriate sources and point out specific courses you might have overlooked. Your SAAs are a great first stop in-house resource for your advising questions.



Each first-year student is required to complete at least one Writing Intensive (WI) course during their first or second semester.



学生 requiring academic accommodations due to a documented disability should contact the Accessibility Resource Center.



With no core classes apart from a writing intensive course in your first year, your academic journey is yours to chart from start to finish.



美联社分数 & 安排考试

学生 who receive a score of 4 or 5 on most Advanced Placement examinations will be notified by the registrar’s office regarding the credits recorded and ways they can be used. These scores can be used to aid you and your liberal arts adviser in placing you at a course level appropriate to your background. The registrar’s office also evaluates International Baccalaureate, A-levels and college credit earned before matriculation at Smith. For further details, please see the 转移信用 页面. 

Full information regarding placement exams can be found on individual program 页面s.




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